Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Celebrating Eight Years with Wycliffe

C:\Users\Emily Simon\Documents\GSP\PD\Presentations\Grade 4\Class Photo-nispla

2012 In February I became a member of Wycliffe and started developing a partnership team and attending training. After my Grandma passed in May, I began learning how to cope with anxiety. As a result, my love for God and the life-giving power of His word grew. My passion for seeing His word available in every language on earth grew to.

2013 On February twentieth, one year, to the day, after I became a member of Wycliffe, I departed for Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea (PNG). Thank you, God and partnership team he provided. My heart swelled with joy when I met my third graders at the International School. We got along incredibly well and learned together. I learned Tok Pisin, the trade language of PNG, and they learned Maths, Reading, Writing, Bible, Social Studies, Spelling, and Science. I still miss those students dearly. Can you believe they will be in eleventh graders in the next school year?

In July I was able to visit Julie MacKay and meet the Teop-speaking people of Hiovabon, Bougainville. I experienced what it’s like to live in a village and be part of the Bible Translation process. Keep praying for Auntie Joyce, Julie, and the Teop Bible translation project. 

Because the Year Four teacher needed to return to New Zealand, I got to move with my third graders up to year four. We continued right into 2014.

2014 In January during the mid-year break, I helped with a Vacation Bible School for local PNG kids. During the rest of the school year, the Year Four students enjoyed special events such as the Book Festival, a PNG Bung (gathering), and end-of-the-year celebration. I visited the US during the break between school years to connect with partners and encourage them to continue on my team. I began another semester with the next class of Year Four students. As wonderful as they were, I wasn’t taking great care of my mental and emotional health.

2015 By the time 2015 began, I was in such poor shape, a counselor with Wycliffe recommend I return to the US to receive mental health care. In mid-January I arrived at JAARS in Waxhaw, NC to do just that. I was defeated, yet hopeful that God had a plan for me. Praise God, by the end of 2015, I was doing well enough to begin partnership development again. This time, to join the Intercultural Communications Course (ICC) team at JAARS.

2016 I continued putting healthy practices into place while I worked on Partnership Development. I also attended ICC and Learning that LASTS as a participant.

2017 As I kept working at building a partnership team, I dabbled in my future role of overseeing ICC Monday Afternoon Childcare. In the meantime ICC was folded into a completely new department: Learning and Development (L&D). Finally I joined the L&D team fulltime in September, thanks to God and my partnership Team committing 100% of my monthly budget

2018 The L&D team continued to form and procedures developed. Then for Summer ICC, the Wyses and I developed and lead Teen ICC. Those six participants remain on my mind and in my heart. In between the routine of leading ICC Monday Afternoon Childcare twice a year, I helped facilitated several other courses such as Learning that LASTS and Compass, which is orientation to JAARS. I also was able to learn the COACH model and help facilitate CrossVenture.

2019 I said, ‘yes,’ to my biggest and most complicated role yet, coordinating a yet-to-be-developed venture, Fellows. Because of the excellent team and great attitude of the staff at JAARS, we created Fellows from an idea to invite the next generation to engage in mission and Bible translation at JAARS, and it launched in…

2020 Fellows from Cohort Alpha arrived at JAARS! The three fellows who started in January have gotten the Fellows opportunity off to an amazing start, despite all the limitations Covid-19 brings. In July another Cohort, Bravo, made up of five more fellows, dove into their roles at JAARS.

While I have loved being part of the Bible Translation movement in PNG and the JAARS Learning and Development department, I’m confident it’s time for me to move forward. After sending out only two applications, God literally handed me a job teaching four and five year old kids at a preschool about thirty minutes from where I live. I am amazed and praising God for how he provided. Thank you for praying with me! Please continue to pray that I finish well at JAARS and begin well at The Goddard School of Fort Mill.

All Throughout The very reason we engaged in this incredible journey is to see people’s lives transformed by the Word of God. Since 2013 Wycliffe has been involved in the translation of at least 200 Bibles and Scripture portions. Because of your partnership and through His Word, hundreds of thousands of people have access to hope, joy, and life in the languages they understand. Praise God!

Friday, December 20, 2019

Reflections on Peru, Well Life Really

Visiting Peru was awesome!

What I didn't expect was how much it would cause me to reflect on Papua New Guinea and my own life.

In a few weeks, it will already be five years since I left Papua New Guinea. Can you believe that? I can and I can't. It's gone by so incredibly quickly and so incredibly slowly. When I compare the state I was in when I returned to the US to the condition I am in now, I'm amazed at the recovery God has given to me. I am so much better, and yet, I still carry some reoccurring griefs and challenges. Those came up unexpectedly in Peru.

One challenge I struggle with is finding my identity in who my family is. This is a great coping mechanism if your family is perfect, but no one's family is perfect. Thus it's not actually a coping option. We all need Jesus. We need Him to be the source of our identity. Any and everything else will fail us.

God, thank you for faithfully and gracefully teaching me the truth of who you are, how great your love is, and how valuable I am because you have adopted me into your kingdom family. Not only teaching me, but gently showing me, over and over again.

Another challenge I face is feeling inadequate. After a particularly long day of touring and traveling, I felt my old nemesis, anxiety, creeping up on me. This was seconded by the half-truth that I can't "hack it" in an international context. Thankfully, I caught that half-lie and answered it with the reality that it has simply been a long day and my adrenal systems is working over time. After that I was able to sleep and felt so much better in the morning and really for the rest of the trip

Here's the victory that God is building up in life: Both And. I can both struggle and be victorious. Struggling doesn't have to be a spiraling devastation. Catching unhelpful thoughts and answering them is a victory. It counts. I've understood this for years. The good news is that it's finally catching on and I'm believing and practicing Both And more often and easily.

And here are some other joyful reflections.

I love my imperfect family. In fact, I really like and enjoy each one of them. That's a gift. I enjoyed catching up, playing games, and seeing Peru with them. Having grandparents who lived and contributed to the kingdom work in Peru is an honor.

Peru was gorgeous! We got to see Lima, Pulcullpa, Yarincocha, Machu Pichu, and Cusco. Each one had a unique culture and story. What a gift to have experienced it. A majority of the ten days I spent in Peru, I was positively overwhelmed by the ancient culture, murals, clothing, and warm greetings of the people.

The tropical climate and way of life in Yarinacocha reminded me of the few weeks I spent in Hiovabon on Bouganiville Island in Papua New Guinea. A molasses-like smell in Machu Pichu was so familiar to me, reminding me of the grasses in the Highlands of Ukarumpa. Again, those were gifts that brought a smile to my face.

I do still enjoy traveling internationally. I was comfortable going through customs, trying out my limited Spanish, and using the intercultural skills of "look, listen, and learn" that I teach.

Living in the nation where I grew up, doesn't make me a missionary failure. Trusting God and continuing to seek Him, and persevering through the lies to believe His truths is a victory I am thankful for.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

12-Month Delayed Post and Top 5 Reasons to Apply to JAARS Fellows

There are two reasons I named this blog The Occasional Update:

  1. I had a blog by the same title in college. (It was lost to the inter-webs.)
  2. I'm terrible at updating this blog regularly.
Still, just in case you missed it, I want to post a video update I made five months ago (last December).

Also, I want to tell you a tiny bit about JAARS Fellows. It is a super cool opportunity for recent college graduates to work at JAARS. Here are the top five reasons to apply:

Number One: I'm coordinating it. (Mostly joking, but also it's going to be awesome.) :)
  1. The true Number One: Contributing to Bible translation and life transformation
  2. Spiritual growth through ICCPerspectives, personal mentoring, and being surrounded by an amazing Godly community
  3. Incredible experience working alongside legit missionaries and professionals in their field
  4. Living and working in community with other fellows and fun monthly outings
  5. Compensation: housing, meals and at least a $350 biweekly stipend

Check out the details at

Thursday, May 10, 2018

How to Pray for Work in Sensitive Areas of the World

Check out this great prayer guide! I have several co-workers, who are friends in "West Asia." I don't know what country they are in exactly, but I know the people they are interacting with need God's word in their heart language.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Final Push 4

I will need to confirm, but I'm pretty sure with two new financial partners, my remaining need decreased by $60 to only $132/month! Happy Dance!

Monday, August 14, 2017

The Final Push 3

My remaining need is  $192/month. Click the link to partner with me and my Wycliffe ministry as we prepare families to thrive in cross-cultural ministries!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Final Push 2

Are you on-board? Don't miss out. The Final Push is ending August 31st. 
Pray about partnering with my Wycliffe ministry: preparing families for cross-cultural ministry through the Intercultural Communications Course. 

How to Partner financially