Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How Jaars Influenced My Work

I ran into someone working in the equivalent to the Jaars PR department. She asked me to write a brief story about how Jaars helped me do the work I did in PNG. I thought I might as well post it:

When I was preparing to go to Papua New Guinea in 2012, I assumed that I would teach using fewer supplies than I do in the US. However, I spied a stash of quality markers in the background of some photos my principal sent. So I asked her what kind of supplies I could expect. As far as consumables were concerned, almost everything I was used to having in a US classroom would be in my PNG classroom.

This is because the organized men and women of the jaars purchasing and shipping department know how to skillfully get supplies such as markers, stickers, microscope slides, and dozens of other consumables from the US to PNG. Which makes teaching the kids of missionaries, translators, and Papua New Guinean’s possible. Of course the consumables that are available in-country we purchase in-country. 

Besides shipping the supplies to PNG, JAARS-trained pilots bring supplies from the capitol to our center. Some materials come via land transport from the port city of Lae. Either way, JAARS plays a vital role in supplying our school.

I taught in PNG in 2013 and 2014.

Right now I'm sharing my story and the story of what Wycliffe does. We call it Partnership Development. After sharing Wycliffe and my story, I ask people to partner with me financially, in prayer, and with encouragement. When the budget Wycliffe has set for me is met through partners giving, I'll continue Partnership Development on the side and work full time in the United States with the Intercultural Communications Course Team as an intern.